Life is back to Campus Life at ACM

Life back on campus is going to return to a new normal at the American College of the Middle East ACM), starting October 2021. ACM students are excited to continue their education on-campus or by starting for the first time.

“Guidelines for Students Return to Campus” are posted on Moodle to assure a smooth and safe transition for students back into campus. Please make sure to read them carefully.”

The fall 2021 semester will be hybrid where students will be attending alternatively between on-campus and online learning.

The ACM safety restrictions are aligned with the rules and regulations issued by the Ministry of Higher Education of the State of Kuwait. Policies and procedures were put in place so everyone on campus follows the best safety practices issued by the global health authorities. Even with the restrictions taken to ensure the well-being of the campus community, students will still explore the hallmarks of campus life such as meeting face-to-face, lab experiments, group work, competitions, and entertaining activities.

ACM was proactive once the pandemic emerged and managed to shift all the academic and support services provided to students to a digital platform in a short period of time to fulfill all the student needs. After 18 months of connecting virtually, the ACM community is excited to meet face-to-face again.

ACM is prepared to start on-campus learning, but keeping in mind that this pandemic taught us to always be ready for any sudden change. Therefore, the college is ready for to resume back fully on-campus or to get back on online learning. This will be done while following ACM’s educational philosophy and guiding principles that ensure the safety and well-being, academic excellence, and continuity of students’ progress toward graduation.

“The Guidelines for Students Return to Campus” – Link